We are Yannick Gerlach, Tobias Egle and Benjamin Best. Our team consists of an architect, a mechanical engineer and a civil engineer. We are united by our affinity for technology, wood and nature. That's why we founded TreeDimension in autumn 2021.

We work in a small carpentry shop in Munich and produce our products with CNC milling and loving craftsmanship.

Because of our love for the Alps, we deal intensively with topographical maps. We are always driven to try something new, which is why the products on offer will change from time to time.

So do not hesitate to contact us with personal requests and suggestions.

We were at the art and design fair in Munich.



Our maps should not only serve as art, but also claim to be geographically correct. The digital elevation models are obtained from NASA data and processed further. Depending on the position, the correct UTM projection is used for the projection and the associated equal area. Based on the Stl files obtained in this way, the CNC milling machine is left to do the fine work. The wood is processed in several work steps, with different milling tools, until we can be inspired by the perfect precision.

CNC production

With the computer-controlled manufacturing process, we remove layer by layer to the finished site. An adaptive process is started, in which layers of wood are gradually removed. In the next step, a parallel milling process with small round milling cutters is used to achieve the desired precision of the finished relief.


We obtain our wood from German sustainable forestry.
We deal with the entire value chain from the forest to the finished work of art.

Display a map with a custom style